Tips for your Holiday Dinner Surrounding Prelit Christmas Trees

When Christmas time rolls around, there seem to be tons of things on your to-do list. While almost everyone enjoys the holiday, almost everyone has a moment or two of panic at all that they need to get done. For those who are hosting a holiday dinner this year, one of the best ideas that you can have is to arrange for this to take place around your prelit Christmas trees. After all, you spent a lot of time finding and picking a theme and then decorating these prelit Christmas trees…it seems only fair that everyone who comes for your dinner gets to enjoy the beauty of this tree.

Creative Ideas for Decorating Your Holiday Dinner Table around Your Prelit Christmas Tree

With this being said, we have a few tips that can help if you do decide that arranging your dinner around the prelit Christmas trees in your home is going to be a good idea!

1. Instead of square tables, consider going with round tables. You will find that round tables that are around the tree, are going to give just about everyone a good view of the tree instead of one whole side of a rectangle or square table being unable to see this.

2. Make your dishware and glasses match the ones that you used for your tree. This doesn’t mean that you have to scour the world for something that matches exactly. But, if you are using an elegant theme, consider using wine glasses for drinks. Maybe if you have done a fun theme, find some paper plates that are the same colors as those that you have used on the tree.

3. Your table decor should match your tree to really bring the entire room together. You are going to find that you can easily make a centerpiece that uses the same theme as your tree to liven up the room even more.

4. Be sure that you are allowing enough room between the tree and tables for people to walk. You don’t want everyone to feel as though they are packed into the room with no breathing room.

5. Have a list of the foods that you will serve and have these ready to go, whether everyone is bringing a dish, you are cooking, or you are having this catered, have the list of food so that this is one less thing that you have to worry about.

While you are the host, be sure that you take some time to really enjoy all that you have put together for this holiday gathering!

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